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    7 Commonly Available Fruits in Abu Dhabi and Their Health Benefits

    Published on : Mar 19 2024 Category: Health

    Fruit and vegetables are part of a healthy, balanced diet and can help you stay healthy. Apple, Avocado, Banana, Dates, Grapes, Mango and Orange are very common fruits available in Abu Dhabi which have many health benefits. 


    A medium Apple is a simple but perfect snack loaded with nutrients

    Fresh, whole apples offer the most nutrients. Discarding the skin removes much of the fiber and the majority of flavonoids. Eating Apples and drinking its juice not only enhances healthy body and mind but also helps strengthens muscles. Apple juice is one of the tastiest and most favorite among kids also. Packed with benefits of vitamins, calcium, potassium and magnesium, the fruit and its juice give out adequate health punch. Full of pectin and fiber, Apple juice helps boost energy.


    Avocados are a good source of vitamins C and E

    Avocados epitomize nature’s bounty and balance. They offer a rich, creamy texture and an impressive nutrient composition. Avocadoes contain important nutrients including healthy fats, fiber, potassium, and antioxidants. Avocados are a naturally nutrient-dense food and contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like avocados decreases the risk of obesity, diabetes, blood pressure, heart disease and overall mortality while promoting a healthy complexion and hair, increased energy and overall lower weight.


    Bananas are a rich source of  Vitamins

    Banana are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and simple sugar. One banana is enough to keep the stomach full for a long time. Banana aids in maintaining optimum blood pressure, keeps the heart protected and promotes bone health. It is an ideal post workout food, especially after strenuous aerobic exercises. It contains simple sugars which provide instant energy, and potassium which is much needed by the muscles after a workout. Banana juice tends to have a thicker consistency than most fruit juices, as the juice isn’t necessarily separated from the fibrous, starchy material of the banana. Instead, the soft nature of bananas allows for blending, particularly when mixed with milk or water.


    Dates also have a good nutritional profile containing several vitamins and minerals
    Dates contain nutrients that enhance the strength of the subcutaneous tissues, which results in softer and smoother skin. The antioxidants present in dates keep the effects of free radicals in check and delay the appearance of  wrinkles and fine lines. Dates are full of cell-protecting antioxidants, higher than other dried fruits. These antioxidants such as carotenoids, selenium, and flavonoids, are useful in preventing a number of diseases.


    Grapes have also been shown to promote healthy blood lipid profiles

    Grapes come in different colors like green, purple, black. Grapes have been cultivated for a thousand years . Grapes contain several different antioxidants, including types known to decrease inflammation and support healthy blood flow. Grapes have been part of the human diet for centuries. They are easy to grow and are ideal for winemaking. The fruit may also be dried and preserved as raisins. Grape juice is made from the whole grape, including the skin, flesh, and seeds. It contains most of the vitamins and minerals found in table grapes, plus the health benefits of the nutrient-rich seeds.


     Mango is low in calories but full of nutrients

    Mango helps to reduce oil production in the skin. Filled with potassium, the juice helps build and repair muscles and hence is a favorite among body builders and athletes. Mango pulp contains prebiotic dietary fiber, which helps feed good bacteria in the gut. A healthy gut is important for a healthy state. Hence, eating mangoes can prevent leaky gut-related health issues such as IBS, asthma, slow metabolism, food intolerances and allergies. Mango juice helps regulate blood pressure as it contains potassium that assists your muscles, heart and nerves’ functions.


    Oranges are a very good source of Vitamin C

    Orange is known to have several health benefits. Oranges can be had not only as a snack but also as a major recipe ingredient in various dishes. Nowadays orange juice is an integral part of a healthy breakfast thus promoting a healthy start to the day. They're mainly available in two categories- sweet and bitter, with the former being the type most commonly consumed. Generally an orange should have smoothly textured skin and be firm and heavy for its size. These will have higher juice content than those that are either spongy or lighter in weight. Benefits of eating oranges- High in Vitamin C, Healthy immune system, Prevents skin damage, Keeps blood pressure under check, Lowers cholesterol, Controls blood sugar level.